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Experts warn of loneliness epidemic worsening alongside COVID-19 | The Hill

A growing epidemic of loneliness is affecting large swaths of the U.S. population, exacerbated by isolation measures advised by health officials during the coronavirus pandemic.
MARCH 11, 2021
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Staying connected while apart; how social support keeps us healthy in hard times

In a recent study of 3.4 million adults (conducted before the COVID-19 crisis), Holt-Lunstad's research showed that loneliness and social isolation can have dramatic consequences for health (increasing the risk of premature mortality by 26%), but that perceptions of social support can increase the odds of survival by 35%. In this video, Dr. Holt-Lunstad discusses how to cultivate connection in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.
April 1, 2020
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How Loneliness from Coronavirus Isolation Takes Its Own Toll | The New Yorker

As the coronavirus forces us to socially distance, life seems shallower, more like survival than living.
By: Robin Wright
March 23, 2020
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We’re not wired to be this alone | The New York Times

When the lockdown began — the orders to avoid travel, to avoid friends, to “shelter in place,” to shrink our worlds to the slightest physical dimensions endurable...
By Frank Bruni
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In a time of distancing due to coronavirus, the health threat of loneliness looms

Dan Blazer and his wife were sheltering at home in North Carolina when their neighbors, a couple in their 50s, reached out by email last week to reassure the 76-year-old and his wife that they weren’t alone...
MARCH 28, 2020
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Social distancing prevents infections, but it can have unintended consequences | Science

In response to the coronavirus pandemic, public health officials are asking us to do something that does not come naturally to our very social species: Stay away from each other...
By Greg Miller
Mar. 16, 2020 Read Full Story

The Art of Socializing During a Quarantine | The Atlantic

Being cooped up at home will likely prompt feelings of loneliness no matter what, but these strategies might help make the experience less stifling.
MARCH 13, 2020 Read Full Story

BBC World Service - The Real Story, Covid-19: What’s best for the elderly?

Is it possible to isolate people from the virus without causing other health problems?
SEPTEMBER 25, 2020
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